Friday, July 22, 2011

Beautiful Dream !

You are all of my beautiful dreams,
put together, and rolled into one.

You're the moon and stars in my sky,
and the light of my morning sun..

You're my first thought in the morning,
and my very last thought each night.

Dreams of you hold me through my day;
bring comfort to me, until morning light !

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Amazing Romantic Song !

hey People,

This is the most awesome Romantic song I have heard-

Check this-

Facebook photo ZOOM !

People, start using Chrome now !!!

Here is a sexy application @ Chrome store !

You can now see the pictures, say ZoOm it , without opening it !!!!

Now Zoom facebook photos even without clicking on it.

And if you don't have chrome- upgrade it now -

Google Guitar- Permanent !

I just found the awesome 'Google guitar' click HERE .
P.S.- wait for 5 seconds and click on "Skip Ad" on the right top !

Want to play amazing songs on the same ?

Trust Him !

When God leads you to the Edge of the Cliff,
Trust Him fully and Let Go,
Only One of Two Things will happen,
Either He'll Catch You When You Fall,
Or He'll teach You How to Fly!

Smile is a bird,
Who flies from face to face,
May your lips give it a better nest,
So that it may stay there,
For ever & ever...

The Four looks of Life :
Look back and Get Experience
Look Forward and See Hope
Look around & See Reality
Look within & Feel confident.

The time just before dawn contains
the most energy of all hours of the day.
This has helped me become an early riser and an early doer....
When I wake to see that it's light out already,
I feel like the world has started without me !

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Can I buy your time ?

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.

SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'

DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.

SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'

DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.

SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'

DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'

SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.

SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'

The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying !

I have always wished to live the same what I had wished for each day.
Each day I wake up, I cherish the day.
Go to my balcony, and watch up in the sky thanking God for giving me another day in my life. I do the same in the bed before i sleep !
Who knows, I will wake up next morning or not ?
Well, the quote i wrote in title is my motto for each day !

When I am happy and things go good for me, I look up and say , "I know God, its you!"
And when things go wrong, I still look above and say, "God , Come down & help me!"
And HE always favors me :)

The thing is about believing in God. You , Yourself don't know how to live. Its HE, who is the puppet master , and did you see, HE manages all the work alone, coz HE is one !

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Dear girl !

Dear Girl,

This is the right time to write this letter to someone who is out there somewhere. I will find you soon, don’t worry.

When I will see you for the first time, I assure you that you will feel that I am looking deep into your heart and yeah, I hope you won’t feel embarrassed when my clothes won’t look good and won’t be annoyed if I will take you to a garden instead of a movie as a date.

I feel, you will love me despite my problems that none knows yet, and if you want to go for a dinner, do let me know few weeks before because, to be frank, I want to make you feel special over there and comfortable in my arms – I will plan best for you every time.

Yes, few more things please know- even if I act weak, please hold my hand because with each of your touch, I get pure and if I act strong, Please, still hold my hand because you are the only reason behind my confidence.

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Not in words- Part (2)

Go to Part(1) of the story -Here

Not in words- Part (1)

Monday, July 04, 2011

No day - without you

Now there’s not a day,
When you don’t cross my mind,
And my love for you,
Only grows stronger with time.
And oh - how I miss you so much,
Your naughty smile and your gentle touch,
And the pleasure of just knowing
We had so much love...
Between the two of us !

Friday, July 01, 2011

30 Days !

Boy and Girl are sitting alone in the park one night....
Boy: I guess we are the left overs in this world....
Girl: I think so...All of my friends have boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons left in this world without any special person in our life...
Boy: Yup I don't know what to do?
Girl: I know! We'll play a game.
Boy: What game?
Girl: I’ll be your girlfriend for 30 days and you will be my boyfriend.
Boy: That's a great plan in fact i don't have nothing to do much this following weeks...

DAY 1:

They watched their first movie and they both touched each other in a romantic film.

DAY 4:

They went to the beach and have a picnic. Boy and Girl have their quality time together.

DAY 12:

Boy invited Girl to a circus and they ride on a Horror House....Girl was scared and she touched Boy's hand but she touched someone else's hand and they both laughed.