Monday, February 27, 2012

Well, I remember and it Hurts !

Brilliant lines, I came across some blog !
Felt like sharing it :

I Still remember all The Cute
Moments That We had Shared
I Still remember When I Gave You everything
That I had to Offer and You threw it all away ,
I Still remember When You broke
My heart ,
Remember That time When You Said
That You'd Never Leave Me ,
You Said That You'd always be there for Me ,
but then You left me alone,
You fooled Me into believing That You Loved Me ,

Remember ?!
Well, I remember and it Hurts :|

Monday, February 20, 2012

If you love her, read this !

Don't care if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman or Michael Jackson.
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.

When she stares at your mouth
Kiss her

When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she
thinks shes stronger than you
Grab her and don't let go

When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Kiss her and tell her you love her

When she's quiet
Ask her whats wrong

When she ignores you
Give her your attention

When she pulls away
Pull her back

Monday, February 13, 2012

Its always not that tough!

No matter what goes wrong, there are few situations where one can stand alone where he never expects to be. What actually it goes like, we always expect someone to standby us all the time; friends,girlfriend/boyfriend,family,brother/sister and sometimes our collegues .This,no doubt, completely reflects our social relationship and the confidence.They always assure you that they wil withstand with you always, supports you-financially,emotionaly and morally, and not forgetting the love they,somtimes, shower on us! All this makes our mindset to start depending on them in smaller terms to the bigger one. And this is where we all

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

How we grew up ?

We were young and innocent
I can’t help but to think that we fell in love at just the right time because we knew everything about our feelings.
The love we shared was pure and untouched , A lot like us.
What we had was untainted by honest motives
We found each other before we found ourselves
Handed our hearts over to each other as if they were sandwiches at the lunch table
We know each other better than we know ourselves,
because we watched one another mature
And I’ve never watched the metamorphous of a tad pole to a fully grown frog