Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Have you ever got that feeling ?

Hey, have you ever got that feeling where you just want to talk to someone. Not just someone you know, someone you want to? With whom, you can be able to talk about anything and everything because you’re on the same page with things. Where you can look at someone and want to talk to them because they’re not rude, or superficial, or annoying, or immature, or old, or young… Someone you are just an equal to ; yet not have to be a lover. Someone you could sit with for hours and just chat, observe, and share comfort in the fact that you two can just connect when it comes to the topic of conversation.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What should I say?

Was she a dream, or like a dream, or some truth?
what my dreamy eyes always saw!
Was it false or truth, I never gave a single thought!
Even my heart didn't know about it :/
She was never mine, she was never my dream, she was never my shadow
She still stood by me,
She walked with me: every single time!
Like the memories, like the talks,
like the dreams, like the promises;
my day ended with myself!
I have kept every word she said in the memories; Don't know why?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

She is so damn beautiful :)

She looked at me and it was as if God himself plucked the stars from the skies And placed them in her eyes. And I realized I could get lost in he.  In the sheer force of her being, My fingertips tracing winding paths over her familiar skin as if it were unknown territory. I realized I would like nothing more than to string together the planets and drape them around her neck.

She is so damn beautiful. She could be my universe !

~from 'Why Writing is Good for Soul' :)

Friday, June 08, 2012

I believe in Me !

This is not my own writing but I loved it !

For many years of my life
I wore my heart for all to see
Making it much too easy
For others to take advantage of me.

I lived and I loved many times
To the loftiest heights
Always crashing to the ground
When my loves took wings of flight.

I put my whole being into love
Never thinking of myself
Whatever I truly needed
Was put high upon a shelf.