Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Far amazing than what I ever imagined.

She placed a small piece of paper in my hands and blinked her eyes slowly to keep it with me and said, “Read it when I will go.”
“I won’t let you go”, I smiled, “Apoorva, this is the place I saw you for the first time and see, today, I am here with you again. You are the best gift of my life.”
She looked into my eyes and smiled in her most amazing expressions. We walked over to her class and she asked me to go to my class. I kept the note in my pocket and stepped towards the class. It was 9:05 a.m. and I was already late for the class. I sat at the last seat, luckily, alone. I opened the register and took out the note and opened it over the notebook. The teacher like always was preoccupied with the first benchers.
There were few but beautiful lines that she wrote. She is a good writer, I must say. Lucky me!

Now that you are with me, I have got wings to fly, fly anywhere across the sky. Saril, you are the most amazing I have ever come across. Every step that you take, every move you make, I will be walking with you, giving you all your space, yet in sync. I love the way you make me feel. You can brighten up my gloomiest days, I believe in you. Today, I am with you and I've found my soul mate. Thank you for loving me and being who you are <3

I just couldn’t stop myself from staring at the ‘love note’ and read it over and over again. I wanted to hug her, kiss on her forehead and