Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Glimpse from the book

It's been long time I haven't posted anything on my blog. 
I have been writing a story and have completed its Manuscript. Here is a part from one of the chapters of the same

“Do you want to walk?” I asked her.
We didn't speak until we reached the garden near her PG. She was still sobbing.
“You didn't go to office today?” She asked me clearing her throat.
“I did. Why are you crying?” I replied.
She didn't say anything. I was trying all the permutation and combinations in my mind to find out the reason.
I cuddled her as she kept her head on my shoulder. She kept her hand near my heart. As I am writing this, I could imagine myself reliving that moment right now.
Twenty minutes passed. Her eyes were closed, but she was still sobbing. I could see tears still dropping down. I wanted to drink them. I touched her cheek with my hand to turn her face towards me. She opened her eyes. We looked into each other’s eye for a minute.
“Can I confess something?” She said.
“Yes Saranya, I came here to listen to you.”
“I miss your smile”, she said.
“Can I confess something too?” I asked.
She nodded her head.
“That smile comes when I am with you” I said with a smile on my face.
I couldn't be happier seeing a smile on her face which made her realized my value again. She told me the reason why she was upset.