Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Talking to the moon !

I write because it takes me away, away to a place where anything is possible.

Writing makes me feel beyond what I can feel in my heart, imagine beyond what I see in my eyes, love beyond I experienced and write beyond I never thought.

Oh dear moon, please move slowly in the dark skies, the dreams will be shattered. I want to recite all my writing to you!

The coffee that I share all alone, under your dim lights, is getting stronger every night so that I can tell you my stories. Let me remember love is happiness, and nothing else brings joy. And so I choose to entertain no substitutes for love. Let me remember my love, who gave me the greatest feeling in the world to be around her who wants to hold me, wants to kiss my forehead, wants to call me at night, and wants to see me smile. But now,
I think what was better than that was finding someone who does it all because she wants to see me happy....I never regret anything that happened to me because the sweetest lessons in my life I've learned are usually comes from my bitter past. There are times when I can't understand what I’m going though. It’s tough for me, but I will move on. I may get low and cry at times. She can't deny it, things have changed. We have grown apart, and she have to face the fact that I will no longer be there every single time she needs me. Today my heart is such a secret place, the land of tears.

People so rarely, stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see. This is what I write, what I look around & what I feel. One thing I have learnt in my life- Do not care when anybody criticize you; they are just being adding up as *HATERS* in my list and I, DO NOT REALLY CARE for them.