Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Yes Plus, Bitch Please (Original by Tushar)

Hey, before you start reading this, let me make it very clear this piece of writing is intended for only those who aim to be great, I repeat, who aim to be great, I don’t care what you wish for, what your dreams are. This is not for pessimists, this is really not for optimists, but it’s for the realists, who believe in the real, in science, in facts. Even if you still want to read ahead, do it, don’t come back to me because 99% of you won’t understand this, you have been warned.
“Once upon a time, I was depressed, very depressed. My love had left me, I had earned myself an E grade in 3 subjects, my life had lost its meaning, and it was all over. But then my friend told me about a course called “Jeene ki kala”. I paid 2000 rupees and joined their session, my life changed.OMG! My love came back to me; I forgot about my E grades, my life had a meaning.”
Endless stories like these and endless fools like the one with the story above, I have just 2 words for you,

Tricity: Chandigarh Panchkula and Mohali. Many engineering colleges, many engineering students yet same stories, same problems and same solutions to 95% of them, i.e. a program that can help their leadership skills, empower them, help them with their communication skills etc. And I thought I had learned all that at school.
Anyways, we all are college students, on an average each one of us has screwed a relation, fought with parents from choosing a program to choosing an ice cream flavor, stressed out and on an average every 7th student has an E grade to his name. So what does that make us, it makes us the stressed generation, aimless generation, stupid generation and a literally fucked up generation.
The country can never have any benefit from aimless wanderers, so who makes the most of them?
The programs designed to motivate them, bring out the best in them (depends from 6 days to 6 months depending on the amount of money you have paid).They know we are stressed, we have problems, we are emotionally and professionally stressed, Aww, this is so sweet, they come to our rescue, they want to make us happy, they want us to overcome our stress.
Alright, Enough of it.

We all know that these programs cost us, so now people are charging young brains to help them out of tough situations. Don’t you think it defies the whole purpose of Humanity?
Why would you ask for money to help someone?
So we even have programs which aim to bring the best in us, want to bring profound change in our attitudes, overcome stress and problems and the list goes on and on. It seems you offer them 20k for 6 months; they might start giving out Engineering degrees as well.

So do you really need these programs?
Some of you might say, yes. They bring me happiness and they have helped me when I was unable to help myself and all that, ask again, did you actually do enough to help yourself. The answer is no and if its yes, sir/ma’am you are too weak.
Once upon a time in school, I read a story, a story about two men. Now these two men had a disturbed childhood, drunken fathers, poor families, luxuries were Sanskrit to them in their childhood. One even failed to clear his art school entrance twice or thrice. But both had a common goal, to be great, to be known, to be respected, to be feared and history ultimately has it, they did achieve their goals, Adolf Hilter and Josef Stalin.
Infamous men, the burden of almost 50 million lives is on these 2 men, yet that is out of the discussion here. They achieved what they wanted, beating all odds, beating every obstacle, they lead the biggest battle that ever happened on this planet.
Pursuit of Happyness. Great movie about a great man, Chris Gardener. Now many of you know that he had a childhood so bad that none of you can imagine, ok if someone stands up and says, he has had a childhood as bad as Chris Gardener, Let me inform him or her, you were not raped for 10 dollars.
Many names, great names, result of what?
Great people have always said the same thing, no shortcuts to success. If you are hardworking enough, plan well, know what you want, you are bound to get what you had set out for.
Batman never went for a life coaching seminar to tackle the issues of Gotham city; he went to a trainer, who could train him to be strong, practical solution.
I could just take this list so long that it would take a week to get over, but all I want to say is that great people were self motivated, they had their shit, they never overcame it, they tackled it, and they fought it.

Ever played Super Mario?
If you keep jumping over those mushrooms and tortoises you never score, you are safe but you never score, sometimes the tortoise comes back to  trouble you too, but if you kill them , they never come back, you score and you get the queen.
Ever seen Cricket?
A batsman only scores when he hits the ball, leaving to many balls makes him vulnerable. He hits, he scores. He wins and he gets the maximum money in an IPL bid.
The solution of the problem does not lie in ignoring it, thinking it does not exist. It lies in the fact that you tackle it, you face it, you win over it and you finish it. The feeling is amazing, your confidence level rises, and you take the road to greatness.

You cannot overcome stress, you fight it, and you win over it.
I had 7 re-exams to deal with; people of my batch had readily declared me as a social outcast. My seniors called my mission to clear exams a dream, yet before that dream I had a plan, a simple plan. Study and clear the exam. Easy in easy out.
Now if you expect someone will motivate you, your life will change, you are wrong.
If you think, someone can bring out the best in you in a month program, please.
Think over this, Sachin Tendulkar took 19 years to bring the best out of him; Apple will become the first $1 trillion company after the founder’s death. There is no bringing out best in us, we keep progressing all our lives. What kind of a person would he or she be who needs other person for introspection, even if you think the best inside you can come out in 6 days, I am sure your best is too degraded and its dependent.

I recently came across a stupid program where the founder said he could improve communication skills of the people joining the program, irony was he could not pronounce the word communication correctly, as a matter of fact the program name had the word “wanderers” in it, and he could not say that right.
Now these programs are as truer as the fitness machine that is up for sale every night on your television channels. They get the best model, these programs get the best speaker, yet remember, too many words are not always correct. Too much speaking, too less talking, these are what these programs all about. I have a friend, she has a friend, she has troubles with English, so what does she do, does she join one of these programs, obviously not; she picks up a newspaper, or a book.

Books motivate you like nothing else, also they are cheap, can be rented, issued or borrowed. Fake motivation provided by 10 sessions = Real motivation provided by 1 real life inspiring incident.
The first step to be great is to think like a great man, now to think like him you have to follow his ideologies, his path.

No life coaching seminar does that, instead they have their own rotten methods of doing thing.
Pick up a biography, for inspiration I would suggest Pursuit of Happyness-the book. (Movies based on books fuck up the stories).
Only great people can tell how to be great, I am not great, but I am just trying to convey a message I got from the books which told the tales of all those great men.
Like you, I will be great one day too, we all will be.
Siddhartha is one of my favorite books, it concludes with the message that you can pass on knowledge, but not the wisdom, it’s the same way that you can get the notes Xeroxed from a friend, but till you don’t study them, they are just random papers.
To be great, first you have to think like great people. Great people never went for any life coaching seminar and there is no set of protocols for a successful life. There is no fucking art of living; the art is making most of the opportunities made available to you.

So plan, don’t dream.
So get up, don’t wait.
So talk of the solution, not the problem.
So take the road less travelled, the other one is congested with traffic of the masses.
Pessimism is stupid, Optimism is even more stupid, be real, be practical. Let me put it this way, if you are a pessimist, you may not succeed and if you are an over optimist, you are bound to fail. Take risks, but calculated risks, be realistic in your approach, and calculate the permutations and combinations with which it can be done; you will work out the best methods this way. The Manhattan project was not done in a day, not even 6 months. Edison took 2500 shots before getting to the result and the greater the idea, the more the pain today. So get up and take control of your life, let not some retard bhaiya or didi do it for you.
(And if you have your emotions in control, you are destined to be great)

Every problem ha s a solution, it’s with us, no one can give it to us.

A lot of you will disagree with me, People will be people.
Everyone does not have the mindset to be Batman or Bill Gates.

Originally written by Tushar: