Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Memories never fade.

Our exams were over and the semester was over. The winter breaks were on. I stayed home and of course, on my laptop most of the time. My mother used to scold me for sitting on the computer continuously for hours. And then, the volume level of my woofers used to annoy everyone. New Year was approaching and I used to compare myself in every aspect with the year that was passing. I had found someone; I could pass my life with. It found a good friend, Tanisha, with whom I used to share my day talks. She was 2 year junior though. It was mid of August that year that I sent a random friend request to a girl, like a dumb boy would do. She didn't accept it so earlier. She was getting into our college in September. For a long time, we used to talk in messages, but we were not friends yet. And then, like slowly and slowly, things got better, we used to talk whole day. She was a cute little girl who would always send me a single smiley ‘:P’ at the end of every text. It was funny. She made me laugh often. Actually, we used to laugh. We never met in person, but we shared all. It was funny, but I liked it though. We never talked over phone, but we were texting friends. I loved it. That year, I was handling the responsibility at the auditorium where the fresher would sit and would listen to the boring ppts and other speeches. We met in person there only for the very first time. I, along with one of my friends, Iqbal was handling the stage during the stage for some starting informal conversation with the juniors. We told them about the college life and the rules. We made them comfortable and they joined us in laughter soon. We were asking few questions in between too. She dropped me a text, ‘Don’t ask me anything’. I looked at her and promised her with my eyes. She sent me a smiley. We met later during lunch and that too for a short span. She was a little kiddo, who had a smile on her face all the time even without reasons. Though I was a senior, I never presented like the one to her. We were friends. Often, she used to say, ‘ I wish you were
in my year.’ And these things became more often when she had already passed a month in the college. She used to feel alone. I had already got the hint about her feelings, but I never showed that I knew everything. Unknowingly and stupidly, I used to make her smile when she used to be low. And then a text would be received, ‘you know how to make me happy in any case J’. She was a baby but with a little sense. I often saw her roaming in college corridors alone. But, as we were text friends, we met never in person again. We were good like that. Things would have been awkward if I would meet her. And one day, I let her for the emotions to flow out. Long paged messages were shared. She told me about her loneliness. Her friends were not much. And I was the only one she could trust upon in college. I had not told her about Apoorva then. I didn't want to. I knew, this would hurt her. And one day, she told me about the feelings. That happened in all in a sudden through those texts which demanded a reply must! I told her that we are friends, and we are good like this. Don’t make the things complicated. And from then, we were more comfortable. She knew that I would never be with her and she accepted it with a smile.
Tanisha, you, unknowingly taught me many lessons and I wanted to thank her through this.