Monday, September 02, 2013

The Day She Saw Him

Sitting in college canteen with your best friends is the most cherish able moment; snatching Lunch-box before the owner opens it, always eating from a friends’ plate saying “taste kar rhi thi”, teasing each other with name of their crushes, clicking photographs in poses and later on realizing the loveliest memories in the pictures when you pass through them when you become busy in your professional life.
Sonali, My closest friend, she was such a sweetheart to me and there couldn’t be any secret of mine that she didn't know.
We, with 3 more of our friends; Megha, Upasana and the cutest among all of us, Kanika were sitting on our daily-reserved table in the canteen. Yes, I sometimes felt why I can’t be cute like Kanika. No, I am not saying that I am not cute, but after all being a girl, it’s my birthright to get jealous. Why I am wasting pages writing about Kanika and all of us. Ok guys, a bad news for all of you- My all friends are in relationship now, so just forget them! Chuck it… where is my story?
It was another hot day when I was sitting with my friends. The single tables were traditionally occupied by renowned-couples of the college and we always used to observe each and every movement of them and then making fun with our pet lines “ dekhioa, kaise chipak ke baithe hai dono” and Sonali, the one and only piece, that we have seen, would treat us almost every month just because she gets a new boyfriend each month and why would someone wont love a free-treat and that too for a stupid reason.
Thursday- my duty day to bring up chocolates from the canteen and pay for them too!
I was standing in the coupon collecting line when a dashing personality stood behind me in the same line. For once, I felt that he would have been my friend as we all classmates were really close to each other; we would never keep a relationship hidden and never mind if someone gets 0 in test, we would still have a treat for his big achievement and that too on our pockets !
He said, “It’s so hot over here and people are moving like snail.”
Choosing a snail as an example was so obvious after being in a medical college.
I turned round my face “Are you blaming me?”
“No, I am just saying,” he tried to ignore his words.
“Better mind your words!” I roared.
“Ohhhh… I like that attitude”, he tried to flirt.
“Oh puhlezzzzz!!! Do what you have come to do here,” I hardened my voice.
He smiled; the most killing smile I have ever seen in my life yet.
And how could I stop smiling after seeing such a… I would have filled another whole page explaining me his smile.
He spoke unforgettable words after that, “I have come here to make you smile ? ”.
And this was the time I felt I have found the best in my life, Rohan Shrivastava.
Rohan was doing MBBS, but with a poor luck of being in
another section. He was quite intelligent in the academics. And which girl won’t love a Football player? He had participated in many talent hunt competitions and wont many prizes over there. I know you all must be thinking what made me know him that much? Can you guess?
Yes, you are obviously right… we soon became good friends. Please mind it just “Good-friends” and I got the title Mrs. Shrivastava among my friends and I would love to hear that!
We would meet each other unexpectedly in the college and pass the same smile like the day we had met first time. One day, he asked me for lunch in the canteen. And why would I say no to such a smart guy.
At around 1:30 afternoon, I reached over the canteen and searched for Rohan. He was sitting on the single table that was used to be reserved for couples and I went straight to him ignoring my friends.
“Hi”, he offered his hand for hand shake and how could I ignore such a wonderful moment to touch him!
I sat down & we started with the conversation about classes and other boring stuff; tough I never found it boring when he talks about that.
We ordered for Maggie and some soft-drinks. I still wonder how he knew that Maggie was my favorite dish! We sat again and started eating and he still kept staring me.
“What?” I asked.
“Why are you so sweet?”
This was the only reason why I would love to talk to him; he just always talks so decently and winning my heart-always.
My cheeks turned red in shyness and he further added to his sweet words “You look more cute that Kanika when you smile like that and making your cherry colour flow your of cheeks.”
He won my heart with his talks and just after a few minutes we again went back to our conversation about studies.
“yah, padthi to bohat hun mein…”
He interrupted me, “I Love you”. He was like another Aamir of Ghajini who proposed Kalpana like that.
For once, I felt like I should say yes to such a sexy and handsome guy.
My mind would say “Are you crazy? You don’t know him… say him to wait for some time.” My heart-“You won’t get a smarter guy than him. Just say yes.”And as my dad always said –hamehsa dil ki suno and this was the time to listen to him.
“Rohan, but how come like….”
“yaar, I didn’t know myself when did it happened. When I met you first, I saw a life partner in you and I still wonder how I said those word to you which never passes always my mind and I said them to you after listening to my heart. I love you a lot and I need you in my life forever… will you…”
After two minutes, I smiled showing my acceptance to his proposal and he jumped with the joy on his table and just then all my friends encircled the table and set up a chocolate-truffle cake; after all it was Sonali who knew that was my favorite!
Hooting and humping reached their heights while Rohan passed me a wrapped gift which he advised me to open when we will get married- the so long term plan.
Later, that day, Sonali told me that how she managed all arrangements for the proposal.
I thanked her for such a beautiful plan that gave me such a beautiful lover of mine.
I went further to hug her…

“happy bday to you… happy bday to you… happy bday to Meenakshi… happy bday to you…” The all stood around my bed singing my birthday song while I was still lost in my uncompleted dreams.
I stood up and we had a b’day blast after that in room. Truly saying, they all made me forgot the dream I had seen few minutes ago and I the realized…