Thursday, September 22, 2011

My fingers say a lot !

Our Fingers are family !

It's all about happiness !

But some times they are sad, still Someone is there to take care!

But when it a joy, its fun !

Sometimes, we feel that we are under pressure !

Sometimes, we fell so alone !

We meet many ***hole people !

And we hate them too !

But in a big rush, we find someone surely !

We feel comfortable with them slowly :)

We start talking ;)

Soon, we become the cute friends,rather, Best friends :)

We then, talk in eyes to them !

We share gifts :)

We then feel ourselves falling in love ;)

We then move a step forward !

then, they move step forward !

And one day, We feel that our world is completed :)

We share the world around us :)

We make love :*

We get a family :)

And we grow old !

More old...

but Our love- It stays with us forever :)