Sunday, December 04, 2011

Talk with myself !

The moon stared at him like a wise, old poet, on its last legs and looking for a drink. I don’t know where I’m going, he suggested to it thoughtfully, I just want to rest a while.

The grass underfoot had its arms open wide so he tumbled down and lay on his back. He felt like a soldier who had lost his bearings, yet the battlefield was bringing him back home.

How can I forget her? He asked the playful stars.
Why do you have to? They replied with a wink.

He didn’t know what this meant and fell into a rabbit hole of melancholy.

He recalled a movie he had seen as a child, in which a young girl is told she is adopted and spends a considerable amount of time searching for her ‘real’ parents. She has no luck.

He strained himself trying to remember how it ended, as if some insightful truth was hidden there.

He drifted to sleep while the wind wispered to him a line from the movie; “I’m leaving tomorrow, and don’t expect to see me anytime soon”.