Sunday, December 25, 2011

Purpose of reading !

Once long back, I said to someone, "I like reading books", I was told, “Read people not the books. What you find in books is not what exists in the world!!”

That had been confusion for me for a long time. But with time, I realized the one who read people will know how to handle others and get the things done by hook or crook.

A book reader will surely know how to stick to their principles and apply the same when situation comes. People who say that certain things mentioned in books doesn’t exist in the world, the one who reads books know that it is not that they really don’t exist, it is just lack of knowledge that is making them extinct. This makes the difference between a learned fool and an educated man.

Always do things in your own way, others have to love you for it. With the elements of KNOWLEDGE and COURAGE, all things are possible. So I assure, that I read something good from a book every single day. Doing so connects me to the knowledge and intelligence I need and keeps me on the track on ‘where I’m going?’, and inspired by the knowledge I have gained, I maintain the courage to keep myself moving forward. Also please not to be neglected that just by studying books, man doesn’t become wise.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Unusual Sunken Bridge

Enjoy watching the beauty of engineering !

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I lived her !

A Sweetheart for
who just owns me now..

In the begining it was all just a dream..
What I belived was an impossible scene,
I knew I was worthless..
Deprived of love..
or maybe this world is heatles..
Somebody please take me out of this shit,
I just couldn't make it no more..
To me, this world is a f*cking whore...
Then, one day my turned my life,
Out somewhere, came a girl in my life,
I can be she will be my future wife...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

World's best feeling :)

Sometimes, it happens that you want the world to be on one side and you wish to be in your own world.

This is the most wonderful time of the life when you take the life-changing decisions. You sometimes cherish the old memories; the sweetest of all & then, only one thought strucks into your mind while going through them!

You just stop thinking about your own world at that momemt, and at that very moment, you realise, what was the importance of it in your life. Sometime, you feel guilt about the same.

Maybe(A stronger one), you never wanted it to go it like that way!
Then , you wish only one thing, to go back and change the things like the way you want it now..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A *smiling* story !

I can make your dreams come true :)

Girl: Look its raining outside!
Boy: Come sit down, I have to tell you something.
Girl: Lets go outside!

(Boy and Girl go outside and find cover)
Girl: So what were you going to tell me?
Boy: Well... I don't know how to say this but... I love you.
Girl: Why didn't you just tell me?
Boy: I didn't know what you would say.
Girl: Well what do you want to do now?
Boy: Hmmm... tell me your biggest love fantasy?
Girl: To be kissed in the rain.
Boy: Tell me this first.... do you love me too?
Girl: Yes...
Boy: Looks like I can make your dream come true...

Friday, December 09, 2011

Underwater Ink

I was searching for Random Underwater photography, I found very interesting ones :

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Frankly telling ...

"let me be very frank with you..."
"Whatever I want to tell to the people, I tell on them on their face....."

~These are the lines you listen everyday !
But the bitter truth is, none of these so called 'frank people' accept the frankness of others, when directed towards them. When it is from them, it is the world class advice, and when it is for them, they called it as Arrogance.
When the facts are expressed FRANKLY, they are difficult to accept. So how can others accept our frankness, which is nothing, but just our opinion.
FRANKNESS is not at all a problem, its just the way our frankness is delivered, that is the problem.

Our Frankness, maybe (Strong MAYBE) have some logic behind it, but the way it is delivered to the people often hurts.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Swears to never love again.

With no time to smile,
But with all the time in the world
To shiver.
With no space to hide the fear,
But a treasure chest filled
With ideas.
With no light to guide the way,
But the glow of a raging fire
In my heart.
With hopes that still linger on,
I curse her name to the wind,
And swears to never love again.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Talk with myself !

The moon stared at him like a wise, old poet, on its last legs and looking for a drink. I don’t know where I’m going, he suggested to it thoughtfully, I just want to rest a while.

The grass underfoot had its arms open wide so he tumbled down and lay on his back. He felt like a soldier who had lost his bearings, yet the battlefield was bringing him back home.

How can I forget her? He asked the playful stars.
Why do you have to? They replied with a wink.

He didn’t know what this meant and fell into a rabbit hole of melancholy.

He recalled a movie he had seen as a child, in which a young girl is told she is adopted and spends a considerable amount of time searching for her ‘real’ parents. She has no luck.

Friday, December 02, 2011

The doll

She is a doll,
well, so to speak.
She has the art in her,
She is pretty in her cheeks...
when she smiles.
A mysterious entity, that now I see...
In an alien image,
that Genie wished me 3...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Every Dog has its Day !

Why do people insult the one who make them smile?
The reason maybe described in simple words:
Maybe, people want to prove that the one who make them smile is one who is below their standards, or the other issue could be that they feel that the reason behind their smile is nothing of their concern, so let’s be the leader!
What the f*ck is that?
Have they ever thought that how much confortable one feels when he/she is the reason behind your smile? Of course not, because everyone here feels the “other one” is a Joker and they are the ring masters.
Ok, could you please take yourself to the time when you were surrounded by few guys or your friends when they all were teasing and laughing at you? How did you felt at that very moment?
Now, come back to the present, when you laughed at the one who was reason for your smile & compare the times.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long Distance Relationships !

Distance is just a test on how far love can travel....

Yes, it really is just a test. For the two of you to know the importance, and absence that the one you love is far from you. It even makes a relationship stronger because the two of you are gaining trust which is the main ingredient in a strong relationship. You can prove to him or her you’re faithful enough without the presence of him or her beside you. That even though you’re far away the love is still there and won’t go away or ever be lost....

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Where is She ?

I often wonder what it’s like to be so loved
To be cared for by someone so deeply
That you can feel every breath they take
Is for you and you alone
I know I am still breathing for someone
Even though I haven’t seen them yet
My inhale brings them closer to me
And my exhale pushes those who are not the one away
My lungs protect my heart
From any offbeat breaths
Or thumps that come knocking
That don’t belong to me
My body will know when I find her
For she will take my breath away
Until she gives it back....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I forgot !

I Forgot
I forgot that I'm a wise old soul
existing before time.
I forgot about my brilliance
like a star that would not shine.
... I forgot I am a part of you
and you're a part of me.
I forgot I'm an expression
of the great times.
I forgot I am pure consciousness,
I was trapped within my mind.
I forgot I had a wondrous gift
to share with all mankind.
I forgot to breathe and go within
and listen to my soul.
I forgot that we're all actors
and our lives are just a role.
I forgot that I'm a part of god
and thought I was so small.
I forgot my true identity.
Yes I forgot it all.. only you know WHY ?

Monday, November 21, 2011

About the most ADDICTIVE SONG- Kolaveri di !

With more than 12,000 likes in five days of its release, the Kolaveri Di song has become one of the most searched videos on YouTube. This song from Dhanush and Shruti Haasan's forthcoming movie 3has become a craze, not only in Tamil Nadu but in entire nation. Following the footsteps of Bollywood actors Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Sanjay Dutt, Dhanush has lent his voice to this catchy number. Interestingly, he has also penned the lyrics of Kolaveri Di. In an interview lately Dhanush revealed, "I had a lot of free time on the sets of 3. I just tried to put in some dummy words in the tunes and everyone liked it." 3 is an upcoming Tamil film directed by Dhanush's wife Aishwarya. Anirudh, the music director of the film is thrilled with the song's popularity. Anirudh is a newcomer and his experiment has really paid off.

Kolaveri Di lyrics are very easy to remember, this is one of the reasons for its immense success. The song starts with 'Yo boyz, I am singing song... Soup song... Flop song.' Through his voice, Dhanush has succeeded in establishing a connect with his fans. Many people have even started putting up lyrics of this song as their status messages on social networking sites

Sunday, November 20, 2011

If Someone Loves You Like This.. You Will Never Fall In Trouble !

If Someone Loves You Like This.. You Will Never Fall In Trouble ..........?
She said that she wanted to get high. He took her to the tallest hill in town.
She said that she wanted to stay up All night and drink. He gave her a 12 pack of caffeinated Pepsi and said "drink up."
She said that she wanted to shoot Herself in the face. He gave her a water gun, put her finger On the trigger, aimed it at her face, and Helped her pull the trigger.

She said that she wanted to cut herself. He took a Polaroid of her, handed it to Her along with scissors, and had her cut it up.
She said that she wanted to see her blood. He took her to get her ears pierced.
She said that she wanted to cry herself to sleep. He had her watch a sad, romantic movie before bed.
She said that she wanted to be alone. He gave her a name tag that said "my Name is: alone." ?
If Someone Loves U Like This.. He/She will Keep You happy Even if You Want To Fall In Trouble .....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Three Little Words !

For all the complexity of language,
It always seems
The simplest phrases
are the most heartfelt.
Just three little words
we all know so well
can calm and quell
or send its minions into upheaval.
Those three words,
its experience as unique as the ones who lay claim to it.
No three words

have inspired more beauty
or more bloodshed.
Responsible for both death and resurrection,
The reason wounded souls become whole again,
A reminder to the heart
when it forgets
why it’s pumping.
Three Little Words
draw the line between
crazy for you and sane.
Used to cheat, causes lovers to burn in vain.
Makes those three words
another tough phrase.
Just three words,
whose hollow use
is like a hollow whore,
its expression blank and meaningless.
Whispers mis-trust in back street heart chambers.
The pursuit of three words,
because they may just blow your mind.
Those Three Words,
Untouchable in nature
created by our consciousness
and birthed by our tongues.
The language of love is anything but

Three Little Words...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What did you say ?

Love, you say you love me
How could this be true?
I've only just met you
Love takes time to develop
It's not an instant thing
You can't know what love is
If you say it this soon !

Love takes time
It develops with trust,
patience, caring, understanding
You have yet to earn that of me
I have loved before !!!

True love, an unconditional caring
This love will never be lost
For true love lasts a lifetime
What you feel for me is not true
True lust maybe but not love
Time, I need
Feelings, Confused
Thoughts, Mixed up
Memories, Still there
Touch, Remembered
Kisses, Dream of
His, Not yours
Sorry, I am
Forget, I must
Time, I need !!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Time will do good !

When I first talked to you
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you my problems
and what I didn't want ever.

You listened to me
I bet you thought I'd never end,
who would have thought
we would be the best of friends.

Over a period of time,
I got to know the real you.
A guy so charming and gentle,
with a heart so true.

You've survived your life
with me by your side.
I told you I'd never leave
because of the feelings I have inside.

There was a time
I wanted to explore,
what would have happened
if I would only open the door.

I know you
like no one I have ever known,
and sometimes I wonder
what do I do when we're alone?

So I have decided
time answers all.
If it is meant to be
time will remove the wall.

Standing between us,
holding us back,
allowing us to feel
It's the relationship that we lack.

I love the way we are together,
you can always make me smile.
Will it ever really be forever?
I guess I will have to wait awhile.

Time will reveal, what lies ahead
but always remember
what I have said.
Meeting you has changed my life
and I really love you so,
the feelings I feel for you
I am never letting go.
Remember me always
and I will too..

I will Always Think Of
Me And You..

Friday, October 21, 2011

That Girl !

Tonight I'm feeling fine,
I'm alone, just wasting time,
No Friday movie nights,
Or romantic candle lights,
I'm just having conversations,
With the thoughts in my head,
All I hear are angels crying,
Oh, won't they just sing instead,
It would be wrong for me to say,
I don't need that girl by my side,
I don't need that girl in my life,
I don't want to talk it out,
Or hold her when she cries,
I don't want to say she's my kind
I don't want to say that she's mine,
I don't want to tell her that,
I love her more than life,
More than life !

Honestly, this won't do
How is she doing?
I tell myself I'm feeling swell,
But I know I'm such a fool,
I could take it as a new beginning,
But you know I don't feel that way,
Who will take all this pain away?
I know it's wrong for me to say!

I love her more than life
More than life!

Talk about a sin,
Was the day I walked into the other side,
I would run back in,
I wouldn't waste no time,
I know it's wrong for me to say,

I love her more than life
More than life!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A great lesson for the lifetime !

A boy was born to a couple after eleven years of marriage. They were a loving couple and the boy was the apple of their eyes. When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work so he asked the wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. The mother, preoccupied in the kitchen, totally forgot the matter.

The boy saw the bottle and playfully went to the bottle and, fascinated with its color, drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous medicine meant for adults in small dosages. When the child collapsed, the mother hurried him to the hospital, where he died. The mother was stunned. She was terrified how to face her husband.

When the distraught father came to the hospital and saw the dead child, he looked at his wife and uttered just four words.

What do you think were the four words?

The husband just said "I Love You Darling"

The husband's totally unexpected reaction is proactive behavior. The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he have taken time to keep the bottle away, this will not have happened. No
point in attaching blame. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation and sympathy from the husband. That is what he gave her.

Sometimes we spend time asking who is responsible or who to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know. We miss out some warmth in human relationship in giving each other support. After all, shouldn't forgiving someone we love be the easiest thing in the world to do? Treasure what you have. Don't multiply pain, anguish and suffering by holding on to forgiveness.

If everyone can look at life with this kind of perspective, there would be much fewer problems in the world.

Take off all your envies, jealousies, unwillingness to forgive, selfishness, and fears and you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think...!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

You are the reason for me !

Your one look is enough for me each day,
If I don't see you, my prayers are for you each day,
One day, when we were together, I felt the heaven surrounding me,
An angel like you made the place as pure as you are !

I saw a deep faith in your eyes while sharing a few words,
But your beautiful beauty had a low confidence on your sparkling face !

Through my words, I want to assure you that the day is not (so) far away,
When you will be the reason for my confidence,
when we will walk together, caring for none, but each other !

I will be your salesman, to deliver everything best to you,

There will be a day, when not only the world, But the moon will say,

"You two look best together!"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The other side of me !

There’s a secret side that lies within me
A side, people have yet to see
The truth has always been hidden
Sight unseen...
A darkness that hovers and wants to be uncovered
In truth, some things were never meant to be seen
or discovered...
Sight unseen is best for me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No Matter What..

There was a boy and a girl...they were the best of friends.
They hung out all the time, talked all the time, etc.
The boy loved that girl more than anything else in the world. And she didn't know it.
One summer, when the girl and the boy were closer than ever, the boy decided to let his feelings out, even if he didn't let them out to her.
He walked into a little grove of trees they used to play at when they were little, found a huge tree, and carved both of their initials into a heart along with the words: Together Forever.
The boy never told the girl that he had done this. Secretly, he hoped she would stumble upon the inscription one day and figure it out, but she didn't.
One hot August afternoon, the girl got a devastating phone call from her parents. They told her that the boy had died in a sudden car crash. She immediately collapsed onto the ground, sobbing with the pain of losing him. He had always been there for her. He had always been there to lift her spirits, he had always been there to catch her when she felled. He was there to steer her down the right path. To be kind to her regardless of how mean she was being to him. To protect her. To truly care for her. He was her angel. And it crushed her to know he was never coming back.
That night, as she lay in her bed, quietly crying as she remembered every moment she had spent with him, she realized something:
She loved him. He had been the only boy she had ever really loved, and they hadn't even shown romantic affection towards each other. He completed her.
She didn't sleep at all that night. She watched the day break, the sun peeking its first orange rays over the horizon. She got up, dressed and left the house, planning to go to a place that had always been memorable and special to the both of them.
She entered the grove of trees, which was mostly in shadow. She hiked down the small, worn down trail. She was just about to pass a huge tree when something caught her eye. One section of the tree's bark was illuminated by a stray ray of light, revealing words carved into the wood.

In amazement, the girl read her initials, and the initials of the boy, craved into a heart along with the words "Together Forever". She knew he had put it there. The sight made her eyes become glossy with tears, and, straining to pull herself together, she walked up to the carving. At the foot of the tree was a sharp stone with little wood shavings still clinging to its edge. She knew he had used it, and she simply felt it for a while, trying to imagine the touch of his hand. And then, she focused on the inscription again. There was just enough room in the heart to carve a few more words after "Together Forever".
With careful hands, she inscribed three more words:
"No Matter What."
And in that moment, she could feel the boy right beside her.
And she knew the words on the tree were true. They would always be together forever, no matter what..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I know, God will do something now !

When I think back all the time we spent together, I know we will stay friends forever...
I never wanted you to leave,I just need to hear you near to me..
You mean to me very important,
You have my heart,from the start..
I will miss you,and cannot believe that you will go..
My life cannot be the same,and it can not go on..
Please stay here,I need you with me..

I am crying but,its invisible tears no one can see,
Only my heart because its inside me,
Take your time and I will wait till I see u fine...
I walk and I see lovers. I turn my head and I see lovers.
I sit on the bench and beside me are lovers.
An old woman comes and asks me, “Are you contented to sit alone?”
I answered, “I know at the right time, God will send that person to sit beside me forever, someone who’s worth the waiting!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The true meaning of Depression

Just another Emotion,
one not very loud.
You hide me with a portion,
but I find a way around.

I don't lurk in corners,
dark spaces or a hole,
I am deep within you,
resting in your soul.

I don't shout or scream,
grow or slowly creep,
I just continue on,
to make you eternally weep.

I am the inner shame,
the ripple of all sin,
an endless open void,
the echo from within.

Like an open wound,
every sore you bare,
the tarring & the pain,
is all mine to wear.

I multiply the hurt,
redirect all tears,
counting your worth,
& playing on your fears.

The master of memories,
king of manipulation,
I re-run the sorrow,
& stack the precipitation.

All the flashes of pain,
every and each day,
another horrible memory,
I make sure to stay.

The ever consistency,
to never leave your side,
I'm the prince standing,
whispering who lied.

I don't press on,
or even really try,
I am simply just,
the never ending cry...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

When ever you get Too happy, something bad happens !!

The secret is, I trust people much too easily.
When someone asks for
my attention, I more than
happily plunge into
their gaze, smile too much
& listen too much. I
create a false image of
someone else on my own,
believe their sincerity
with my whole heart.
Therefore I am my own downfall, &
there is not one person
to blame besides myself.

as i slowly stop missing you,
i realize that you weren't
that important to me anyway.

When I think about love, I think
about when I was little, and I
automatically knew what I wanted.
Love should come to you
just like that. Like your
favorite color comes to you, or how a
smile comes across your face.
It should just hit you and you
should know that's how it's supposed to be.

I've been walked on, used and forgotten
and I don't regret one moment of it
because in those moments, I've
learned a lot. I've learned who
I can trust and can't. I've learned the
meaning of friendship. I've learned how
to tell when people are lying and when
they're sincere. I've learned how to be a
teenager, and how to grow up when I need to.
I've been to hell and back a few times,
and I won't ever take what I have for granted.
This is life, live it one day at a time.
You never know how many days you've got left.

You were never a waste of time,
you were just a harsh realization
that I could do better.

just as i began to heal and
the scars began to disappear,
you had to break me and bring me back down.

Who would of thought that someone like me
could have fallen in love so easily?

Behind every beautiful, strong girl,
there’s a dumb ass guy who did her wrong
and made her strong !

I often think that the night is more alive
and more richly colored than the day.

Turn up the radio and sing your
lungs out. Because
kid, this is it. And this
is all it will ever be. So get
used to it & suck it up and live !!

you look like i need another drink
I heard slut is the new craze.
Well aren't you just the little trendsetter.

& you were the one that damaged her.
not broken completely, but you were
just the one who made her think
twice about getting that close
to anyone, because she was afraid
she would just end up getting hurt
just like you did.

The most hated words to a girl? "Just friends."
That is the last thing we want to hear when
we're talking to that one guy. If you really think
we see you as only a friend, then my gosh boys,
you are just too clueless for me to believe.

Whenever something happens that is not part
of your plan, you pretend like it doesn't exist.
you act like you're in this movie about your
perfect like, but I have to remind you that the
only one watching is you.

men were born to lie and women were born
to believe them.

It's like a fucking drug deal.
I'm sitting here waiting.
I'm calling you back and you
won't call me back and it's fucked up,
but at the same time,
it just makes me want you even more.

She's scared to tell him because of
that one stupid boy that led her on,
made her believe he actually liked her,
then just told her it was over.
don't you get it?
she's afraid to love
because of that one boy.

When friends kiss, they break the line. They're
no longer friends, but something just before lovers.
Caught in between.

because when ever you get
Too happy, something bad happens...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My fingers say a lot !

Our Fingers are family !

It's all about happiness !

But some times they are sad, still Someone is there to take care!

But when it a joy, its fun !

Sometimes, we feel that we are under pressure !

Sometimes, we fell so alone !

We meet many ***hole people !

And we hate them too !

But in a big rush, we find someone surely !

We feel comfortable with them slowly :)

We start talking ;)

Soon, we become the cute friends,rather, Best friends :)

We then, talk in eyes to them !

We share gifts :)

We then feel ourselves falling in love ;)

We then move a step forward !

then, they move step forward !

And one day, We feel that our world is completed :)

We share the world around us :)

We make love :*

We get a family :)

And we grow old !

More old...

but Our love- It stays with us forever :)