Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Are you alone ?

Sometimes its important to be Alone, not because you like to be alone,

but the best things in life are learnt when you are into this wonderful awkward condition.

You learn to be Self dependent - the most integral quality everyone should have,

You like to live alone because you want to re-live those special moments,

You find the true "YOU" in you, when you are alone,

You love to be alone because you feel that you are your favorite,

You love to be alone because you like to see your dreams grow big,

Only a Patient knows the feeling of being ALONE, who has passed his time alone for long,

Only a girl knows the feeling of being ALONE, when her boyfriend doesn't have a single second to talk to her,

Only a narcoleptic knows the feeling of being ALONE, when he doesn't get a bed to sleep,

Only a writer knows the feeling of being ALONE, when he doesn't get idea to write,

Only a guy knows the feeling of being ALONE, when he sees his friends with their girlfriends,

Only a photographer knows the feeling of being ALONE, when he can't find his camera,

Only a pass-out knows the feeling of being ALONE, who misses his college time,

And yeah , being alone is not relinquish the world, but just to spare time for yourself :)

And You like to be alone because You know people will start caring about you, soon !

To sum-up, you are never alone, you just can't see the people beside you, sometimes !!