Thursday, January 12, 2012

There stands a tree !

There stands a tree..
Everyday, new branches grew up there !
and then the leaves, showing their bright true colors...
Days come, flowers started growing up too !
The stem becomes stronger each day !
Its roots were so tightly attached to it !
and day..a storm came..
Made a few leaves fell down...& left the tree alone..
A few petals of flowers fell too !
And den..days passed..

the leaves changed their colors..
they showed their new colors before leaving the tree !
Wot happened next was unbearable,
only flowers were left..,

Petals of a flower started falling down one by one..
& the flower lost its complete beauty..
and ten.....
The tree became day !
With empty branches,
So..Only the tree is left with the stem and the roots !
-The strongest and the best friends........

The story is -
You are the Stem,
Root are your parents,
Leaves are your friends,
Storm is your enemies,
Flowers are your crushes & love.

Time moves on like this; live by your own choice !