Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lost !

‘Why did you do this to me? I remember I talked to you last time when we were together. And today, you made the things worse. I know, this is nobody’s fault, but, you can help me only right now. You already know every detail of the situation I am in. Unfortunately, I want to be out of it. Bring me calls, text, emails, trust…please. Today, that’s all I need to carry on, and it isn't much to ask you for. I am your child. You have done beyond enough for me, but I can't help but ask for more. Because, truly, you are the only one who can bring this storm to peace, who can un-shatter these broken pieces, who can smooth the pottery into something so perfect. So please, do this for me. Can you be on time today? Please...?’
And I stood there for an hour in a false hope, waiting for some miracle to happen. It didn't  I recalled the time of last fest in the college, when we both became friends and I started taking dreams. Then came the time when they came true. We shared the priceless moments, though for a very short span. I wondered if I was only sleeping from last few months. I wished that it was merely a dream that I saw. But, I had to accept the truth and none stood there by my side to support me. I felt the chill that ran across my body many times. I wanted to jump from the balcony for a couple of seconds. Then, I struggled to make myself strong. My eyes were wet. I had nothing to do. I don’t smoke. I would have flown away the tensions in the rings of the smoke. Life had put me on a way that I couldn't decide and even think. All the emotions that I had collected from years were flowing out in tears and my mouth was zipped to silence. I could hear the small insects buzzing and giving me a company. For the first time in the life, I had no clue about
myself. I felt like a loser several times.
‘Why the fuck did she came in my life?’ I asked myself and then, it remained unanswered. The wind that blew asked me such million questions in my ears. I have loved her. Would she have loved me ever? I felt as if some chain was knotted around my heart and was pulled from both the ends. Her smile was coming in front of my eyes again and again. I often used to say her, ‘My mom would love you in your wedding dress.’ And today, all the dreams shattered in few seconds. For a second, I thought, some famous artist had carved the walls of pain around me in past few hours. I had nothing left with me. As the time passed, I slowly started accepting that she has gone and I had to live without her. I would miss my dream of going out on a long drive during some rainy day and would kiss her passionately. ‘ Wasn't that weird?’ I thought. I was still imagining her with myself. ‘I am not made for relationships’, I told myself. I went in and turned on my phone. From the long list of playlist, I played a song and sat on the chair in the balcony.

‘maine dil se kaha, dhoondh lana khushi. Nasamajh laaya gum, to ye gum hi shi..’