Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Hope.

One day while I was writing my story on one of the dark night of the winters, there was a sudden knock at my door. My parents had fell asleep. I walked down to the door in a fear. I wondered if there was a ghost that knocked on the door. I opened the door with a shiver. There was a lady that walked downstairs with a glass bowl in her hand. I couldn't see her face. I ran behind her.
She was running much faster than I was. I wondered if she was thief. She started collecting small shining stones from the roads and from the leaves of the plans inside the flowerpot. There was no street light. I kept following her till she turned herself towards me. She looked in the bowl with the shining stones inside it.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Can you see me?” I asked surprisingly.
“Of course. Who are you? What are doing here at the late night?”
“I am collecting there”, she said raising the bowl in her hand. Her face glittered with the shine of the stones as the bowl reached near her face.
“What are these?”
“They are wishes and imaginations that people throw away every day. See these orange ones...These are wishes and see these blue ones…these are imaginations.”
“Where did you come from?”
“God has sent me”, she spoke with a smile.
I walked towards her. I rubbed my eyes to confirm if it was happening in real.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I am His messenger. One of your wishes will come true tonight. Tonight, what you wished and imagined, one of them will come true. Do you remember once you wished for your family and imagine living in a luxurious home? Do you remember once you wished for someone to be in your life? Do you remember once you wished for your successful life? Tomorrow morning, when you will wake up, you will get one of them. Everything you wished and everything you desired and everything you imagined is inside this bowl. You will get what is perfect for you for tonight and others won’t be fulfilled. You want to see how it’s done?”
“Of course.”
“Here, pick yours. When you touch your stones, they will shine more”, she said offering me the glass bowl.
I collected the stone that gave more light when I touched them. This was breath-taking moment for me. I passed them to her.
She kept them in her hands and covered them. She rubbed them together in within a few second. One of them turned green and others to red.
“Why are they in two different colours?”
“Green is the wished you have been granted and red are what you wished but it’s not a good time for them. You will get them as well some other day when you will deserve them”
“Oh. So this is how everybody’s wish is granted?”
“Yes. When people deserve
their wish to be fulfilled, I mix up their stones and the magic happens. But it’s not so easy. I find so many stones with no light in them. They people are never inspired for their wishes. They just wish and forget. I don’t pick them because they don’t deserve it.”
“Why I am able to see you?” I asked.
“I don’t know. But if you are seeing me, there must be a reason behind it.”
She disappeared when she ended saying those words. I looked around. She couldn't be seen anywhere. I looked up in the sky.
There was a light dimming due to the fog. It said - HOPE.