Monday, March 14, 2011

The One Like Me

We know that we enter this world alone.

But there are some people which don't enter alone in this world; the thing is that they find their partner after sometime and these are people who are True Lovers.

And in between these two classes of people there is another class n for them love is just a time pass......!!!

But these people regret once they got the feeling of true love..

So left the class of Alone people...they took time to understand all this love and all it's kind.


till the time they come to understand all this the other people has changed.

Class of True Lovers don't again left on other side as there love is not meant to be broken for other people.

and the people from class in between both till now has started thinking differently as now they have started

believing that there is no existance of True Love...

And in very rare cases these people are able to get their love but it is not sure that the person they have found

is right or wrong for them.

So again, people entered alone in this world has to leave this world alone without getting their "True Love"....

after spending their life with someone whom they have to love forcefully or whom they can't love the way they

love their "True Love"........

Why God ...Why???

You created this class of people who all have to leave this world alone only...:((