Sunday, July 10, 2011

Live as you will wish to have lived when you are dying !

I have always wished to live the same what I had wished for each day.
Each day I wake up, I cherish the day.
Go to my balcony, and watch up in the sky thanking God for giving me another day in my life. I do the same in the bed before i sleep !
Who knows, I will wake up next morning or not ?
Well, the quote i wrote in title is my motto for each day !

When I am happy and things go good for me, I look up and say , "I know God, its you!"
And when things go wrong, I still look above and say, "God , Come down & help me!"
And HE always favors me :)

The thing is about believing in God. You , Yourself don't know how to live. Its HE, who is the puppet master , and did you see, HE manages all the work alone, coz HE is one !

Let me ask a simple question here, How many of you , today, got the thing you wished for once ?
Okay, 2/10 ?
This is the thing !
Everyone gets what he/she wished for, but yes, You have to be patient !

You have to live with patience, and I bet you, you won't regret when you will be counting you last seconds, saying ' I haven't lived the life I wanted to! '