Wednesday, February 08, 2012

How we grew up ?

We were young and innocent
I can’t help but to think that we fell in love at just the right time because we knew everything about our feelings.
The love we shared was pure and untouched , A lot like us.
What we had was untainted by honest motives
We found each other before we found ourselves
Handed our hearts over to each other as if they were sandwiches at the lunch table
We know each other better than we know ourselves,
because we watched one another mature
And I’ve never watched the metamorphous of a tad pole to a fully grown frog

But I think it’s a lot like watching you grow from a girl to a woman
And at some point, I found you in the shadows of my success
But I’ll still call us blessed,
Because we spent half of our young lives with someone who truly loved us
and that is a lot to say in this loveless world of broken hearts…!!!