Monday, February 13, 2012

Its always not that tough!

No matter what goes wrong, there are few situations where one can stand alone where he never expects to be. What actually it goes like, we always expect someone to standby us all the time; friends,girlfriend/boyfriend,family,brother/sister and sometimes our collegues .This,no doubt, completely reflects our social relationship and the confidence.They always assure you that they wil withstand with you always, supports you-financially,emotionaly and morally, and not forgetting the love they,somtimes, shower on us! All this makes our mindset to start depending on them in smaller terms to the bigger one. And this is where we all
lack. No doubt, our best friends are the one who had advised us in the most amazing way than others, but their would come a day in your life when ,maybe,many of your 'Best friends' would change their mind about you! Do anything then, They would start feeling uncomfortable with you! It happens,and you can't challenge ! Same goes with your love partner! Accepting the phrase said by many for their own conviction » ^If someone would have to love me , he/she would love me like this!^, I hearby want you,if you are reading this, to relate the same if your partner expects the same; You two can never agree on one point- you guys will end up with a breakup very soon! Coming back,I just wanted to convey a mesaage of ^COMPROMISE^ that Everyone should do many a times,to assure others to actually be with the-maybe with a feeling of guilt Or maybe with a feeling of proud : choice is all yours !!