Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Accept Me !

In my awkwardness, I stand powerful,

In my loneliness, I stand surrounded,

In my weakness, I am actually strong,

In my darkness, I am my own candle, 

In my sleepless(nights), I am my own support,

In my flaws, I stand unique with my soul,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One day, that evening !

That evening, an angel took  to me to the heaven. At that particular moment, I felt, God himself has fallen into love with two of us. He made this day exclusively for two of us.
The heaven looked like a garden where the fountains,  beautifully decorated with lights , the trees;  each standing for some purpose, and the flowers and the most special flower; all were in front of my eyes.
I presented a small token of love to thank her for coming.
We walked and talked. We shared . We stared into each other’s eyes with love for hours. Her shining eyes presented a charm of love. I felt so proud and confident in her company. I read her a few lines which I wrote especially for her.
We stood by one of the fountains where small droplets of water , probably, it was nectar, that touched our faces so softly as if a flying bird wanted to say something to us. Few drops settled upon her eyelashes, and that very moment, I saw her and was completely lost in her. I didn’t listen anything and read it from her eyes, that she wanted me to always stand with her, not matter what!
I went closer to her, & to ensure her that I will be for her always, I gave her a hug. She smiled. Ahhh… She took away my heart with that !

Monday, April 09, 2012

Call a girl beautiful only when...

#Read at your own Risk !

Yes, every girl is beautiful! But her beauty can't be seen by how short her dress gets, or by the loads of make up she puts on when she goes to meet him. Oh man, why am I getting off-track ?
A sexy ass and heavy lollipops(You know what I mean); that’s all, a boy’s eye search out all the day and all the time.
But yes, you call a girl beautiful only when she puts that perfect smile even if she has an imperfect life :)

~Part of 'Sweetly Broken- Everytime I see you' !

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Happy to see problems !

Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job.

- Just a small random thought; a precious, life changing thought :)

Monday, April 02, 2012

Far Beyond than This !

Dreams have now gone to take a rest somewhere. They might knew that what was going to happen. They came just to ignite the spark and went back, somehow keeping the hopes alive.
Oppurtunities come and go, what stays at the end is you, Yourself ! How you handle it later; whether you use it for growth or for your own selfish meaning. And if its not with you, atleast, Don't curse your luck or yourself. Somewhere, there is a power that is controlling the whole world and you....
Trust Him.
The day is still not far, when you will have a choice for oppurtunities ! Then you will not remember those days when they didn't knock your door.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

The girl who never stopped smiling :)

She's hurt, mentally & emotionally..
But everyday, she walks with a smile,
Because that's just who she was , is and will be:
the girl who never stopped smiling!!.. :)

(A Small thought, with a big and deep secret behind)