Thursday, April 19, 2012

One day, that evening !

That evening, an angel took  to me to the heaven. At that particular moment, I felt, God himself has fallen into love with two of us. He made this day exclusively for two of us.
The heaven looked like a garden where the fountains,  beautifully decorated with lights , the trees;  each standing for some purpose, and the flowers and the most special flower; all were in front of my eyes.
I presented a small token of love to thank her for coming.
We walked and talked. We shared . We stared into each other’s eyes with love for hours. Her shining eyes presented a charm of love. I felt so proud and confident in her company. I read her a few lines which I wrote especially for her.
We stood by one of the fountains where small droplets of water , probably, it was nectar, that touched our faces so softly as if a flying bird wanted to say something to us. Few drops settled upon her eyelashes, and that very moment, I saw her and was completely lost in her. I didn’t listen anything and read it from her eyes, that she wanted me to always stand with her, not matter what!
I went closer to her, & to ensure her that I will be for her always, I gave her a hug. She smiled. Ahhh… She took away my heart with that !
We started walking again and I didn't know when we were inside the dark woods. She then, slowly filled the spaces between my fingers with hers. She completed my world with that !

I looked at her & she slowly made her wet eyelashes kiss each other , undoubtedly with the most romantic way, assuring me that she is with me, always !
We talked about our lives we want to share with each other . Knowingly or Unknowingly,  I felt her heartbeats. I kept looking at her while she was talking. I loved the ways she said me everything. That second, I felt , all the happiness is right now, standing in front of me !
I wanted to kiss her at that very second. I wanted to show my love for her. I held her hands, and keep another finger on her mouth , “ Shhhh….” And continued, “ I love you…!”
She felt shy and so innocently she closed her eyes.
“This is what makes me love you more..”
We then, relived the moments, from where we started. I looked up towards the sky, thanking HIM, for her.

~ ‘Memories’- the only gift, she presented to me !
 Whatsoever happened later, but one thing I still feel, Those days were good !
'Real man never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he got her & And real woman should be the one who would respects these feelings !!'