Wednesday, September 26, 2012

World’s Simplest Rule :)

Her words actually melted me and I realised-

I am so poor that I couldn’t understand world’s simplest rule.

Anisha won soul that day, although she had won my heart many weeks back; she was the one who could make me walk on the path of life and whom I could simply trust upon, with my eyes deeply closed. She was simply the one- the girl of my senses!

I didn’t have words to reply her, but just looked into her eyes; I could feel the pain she is
going through and the toughness she is seeing in her life- Unbearable!

I wished I could hold her in my arms and let her pour all the pain, into my heart, and make me feel that YES, I am the one who is actually hers; that was just I dream that I wanted to fulfilled always and that day, I decided to make it come true one day !

“ponnnnn…. Ponn-ponn…., bus horn broke up the silence, and she waved up her hands passing me a fake smiled-face, this time, hiding all her pains and tears in her eyes and she turned her face frome, leaving me all alone in the whole world. I felt that something really special in this world was going far from me and that too in front of
my eyes and I was helpless, seriously HELPLESS!

I couldn’t concentrate on anything, actually everything, that evening. All that ran the pictures of one Anisha, with each pain of the world in her heart! I couldn’t stop myself and cried; I dont know you are laughing or consoling me in your heart, but that was the fact- I cried , I cried really hard for her..shayad, more than the day Sunakshi left me… and that moment, at that very particular moment, I realized- she is the only one made for me & I am the only one made for her. Till now, the Ultimate accountant was making me realize everything that was completely missing in me and He had sent something called Anisha, my Anisha, in front of me to let me know- what is LIFE? J

There was none that could take her place now and the next- and I would not let anyone to take my place in her life. I was in love, yes! Once again- call it whatever you want; but that’s me; I couldn’t let that stop anymore. I had decided to tell Anisha, my dearest and adorable; the girl of my soul, about my feelings for her very soon, before she goes far away from me…

I have got this very advice from someone, I won’t like to mention name:

“Start ignoring girls, they will come back to you themselves, with something different feeling or you. And that is the only way that could help in your case. Go ahead, and win her!

The above article is a part of 'Sweetly Broken- Every time I see You!' 
Keep visiting for more ;)