Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Love is when.

Love is when she makes coffee for me and takes a sip before giving it to me, to make sure the taste is OK.

Memories never fade.

Our exams were over and the semester was over. The winter breaks were on. I stayed home and of course, on my laptop most of the time. My mother used to scold me for sitting on the computer continuously for hours. And then, the volume level of my woofers used to annoy everyone. New Year was approaching and I used to compare myself in every aspect with the year that was passing. I had found someone; I could pass my life with. It found a good friend, Tanisha, with whom I used to share my day talks. She was 2 year junior though. It was mid of August that year that I sent a random friend request to a girl, like a dumb boy would do. She didn't accept it so earlier. She was getting into our college in September. For a long time, we used to talk in messages, but we were not friends yet. And then, like slowly and slowly, things got better, we used to talk whole day. She was a cute little girl who would always send me a single smiley ‘:P’ at the end of every text. It was funny. She made me laugh often. Actually, we used to laugh. We never met in person, but we shared all. It was funny, but I liked it though. We never talked over phone, but we were texting friends. I loved it. That year, I was handling the responsibility at the auditorium where the fresher would sit and would listen to the boring ppts and other speeches. We met in person there only for the very first time. I, along with one of my friends, Iqbal was handling the stage during the stage for some starting informal conversation with the juniors. We told them about the college life and the rules. We made them comfortable and they joined us in laughter soon. We were asking few questions in between too. She dropped me a text, ‘Don’t ask me anything’. I looked at her and promised her with my eyes. She sent me a smiley. We met later during lunch and that too for a short span. She was a little kiddo, who had a smile on her face all the time even without reasons. Though I was a senior, I never presented like the one to her. We were friends. Often, she used to say, ‘ I wish you were

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Someday, I knew this will happen.

And then that smile fell off her face for the last time. And she was no longer perfect, no longer flawless. All that was left of her was a beautiful disaster.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life is unfair!

Life is indeed unfair. There are times when I’d stare at the sky at night and wonder why you are my entire universe when I’m not even a little star in yours.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

One morning!

I was thinking about Appoorva only. She had made a special place in our first conversation. I could still recall the complete scene. She was looking gorgeous. Appoorva … Appoorva...Appoorva… I wanted to talk to her that night. Talk about anything. I wanted to know her. I wanted to share everything thing with her that night. She had totally made me crazy. I wished to wake up earlier to see her as she had the first speech of the day. I went back to the room. I put up earphones and played the song and like my habit, I played the best that suits the situation and started humming in my mind with David Choi

I'm just listening to the clock go ticking
I am waiting as the time goes by
I think of you with every breath I take
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine
You're all I see in everything
I just wanna hold you
I just wanna kiss you
I just wanna love you all my life
I normally wouldn't say this but I just can't contain it
I want you here forever right here by my side…’

I was in bed looking up towards the roof and still thinking continuously about her. Gosh!! I check my phone to check the time. It was 4:30 am already. I had been instructed to report at 07:00 am for final inspection. I woke up and went to take a bath. Everybody was sleeping in the hostel. 2-3 tube lights were still on. Maybe gamer or NERDS. I got ready at around 5:15 am and had nothing to do as such. I decided to go for a walk. While everyone was still asleep, I silently left the room and was on the road near to college to give time to myself to think.
I saw her just a week back and today, I

Friday, October 05, 2012

Her Story.

 It was some mid-night. I was checking facebook and has minimized gtalk. It would have been probably 01:00 a.m. Mother was calling me again and again, and I, I was stick to the screen. Facebook was getting bore, so I decide to watch some movie. I searched for some romantic movie in my computer. Suddenly the sound of Google talk notification buzzed up in between.
‘Hi’ the chat screen popped up. It was him.
Like any girl, millions of questions ran across in next few seconds. My eyes was still looking at the chat screen and the cursor was still blinking to send him a reply. The moment was just there, where I wanted myself in his world.
 ‘Hi.. wassup?’, I wrote.
‘Nothing much, was playing game. How about you? Wassup?’
‘Was watching a movie: P’
‘is time? Kya hi baat hai… ‘
‘haha :P’
‘is time pe kon movie dekhta hai…m sure tu koi hindi romantic picture laga k baithi hogi’
‘haha..aise hi bus..time pass :P’
And that’s how it started. It would have been a feeling of a fresh start to a relation for life, I never thought that. We would be talking to each other endlessly for nights someday, I never thought that.
We started chatting regularly then. Every night after dinner, we used to talk over internet for countless hours. We always started our chat with a smiley and ends with the same. Often, we would say good night and would keep talking for many more hours. We discussed our college, friends, life, songs, movies, places, his video games, my favorite dishes, his secrets & my personal secrets. We got attached soon. Some magic was happening probably. We were getting ‘used-to’ each other. Our lives were brilliant. Our friendship had some special bond. Everything we used to do, we do think about each other once before doing something.
One thing that was happening was really hurting me. We talked less, actually, nothing in person at college. Somehow and still unknown, few of our friends got to know about us. They started teasing us. The awkward moments surrounded us often then. We sometimes used to smile at them to avoid and many a times, we ignored. I tried harder to avoid this. I felt ignored many times, I still ignored, and after all, it was for his good sake. I remained calm and never showed him. It was tough time and I fought because I knew, this time will never affect our lives in coming years. And that moment,