Sunday, September 25, 2011

When ever you get Too happy, something bad happens !!

The secret is, I trust people much too easily.
When someone asks for
my attention, I more than
happily plunge into
their gaze, smile too much
& listen too much. I
create a false image of
someone else on my own,
believe their sincerity
with my whole heart.
Therefore I am my own downfall, &
there is not one person
to blame besides myself.

as i slowly stop missing you,
i realize that you weren't
that important to me anyway.

When I think about love, I think
about when I was little, and I
automatically knew what I wanted.
Love should come to you
just like that. Like your
favorite color comes to you, or how a
smile comes across your face.
It should just hit you and you
should know that's how it's supposed to be.

I've been walked on, used and forgotten
and I don't regret one moment of it
because in those moments, I've
learned a lot. I've learned who
I can trust and can't. I've learned the
meaning of friendship. I've learned how
to tell when people are lying and when
they're sincere. I've learned how to be a
teenager, and how to grow up when I need to.
I've been to hell and back a few times,
and I won't ever take what I have for granted.
This is life, live it one day at a time.
You never know how many days you've got left.

You were never a waste of time,
you were just a harsh realization
that I could do better.

just as i began to heal and
the scars began to disappear,
you had to break me and bring me back down.

Who would of thought that someone like me
could have fallen in love so easily?

Behind every beautiful, strong girl,
there’s a dumb ass guy who did her wrong
and made her strong !

I often think that the night is more alive
and more richly colored than the day.

Turn up the radio and sing your
lungs out. Because
kid, this is it. And this
is all it will ever be. So get
used to it & suck it up and live !!

you look like i need another drink
I heard slut is the new craze.
Well aren't you just the little trendsetter.

& you were the one that damaged her.
not broken completely, but you were
just the one who made her think
twice about getting that close
to anyone, because she was afraid
she would just end up getting hurt
just like you did.

The most hated words to a girl? "Just friends."
That is the last thing we want to hear when
we're talking to that one guy. If you really think
we see you as only a friend, then my gosh boys,
you are just too clueless for me to believe.

Whenever something happens that is not part
of your plan, you pretend like it doesn't exist.
you act like you're in this movie about your
perfect like, but I have to remind you that the
only one watching is you.

men were born to lie and women were born
to believe them.

It's like a fucking drug deal.
I'm sitting here waiting.
I'm calling you back and you
won't call me back and it's fucked up,
but at the same time,
it just makes me want you even more.

She's scared to tell him because of
that one stupid boy that led her on,
made her believe he actually liked her,
then just told her it was over.
don't you get it?
she's afraid to love
because of that one boy.

When friends kiss, they break the line. They're
no longer friends, but something just before lovers.
Caught in between.

because when ever you get
Too happy, something bad happens...