Sunday, December 25, 2011

Purpose of reading !

Once long back, I said to someone, "I like reading books", I was told, “Read people not the books. What you find in books is not what exists in the world!!”

That had been confusion for me for a long time. But with time, I realized the one who read people will know how to handle others and get the things done by hook or crook.

A book reader will surely know how to stick to their principles and apply the same when situation comes. People who say that certain things mentioned in books doesn’t exist in the world, the one who reads books know that it is not that they really don’t exist, it is just lack of knowledge that is making them extinct. This makes the difference between a learned fool and an educated man.

Always do things in your own way, others have to love you for it. With the elements of KNOWLEDGE and COURAGE, all things are possible. So I assure, that I read something good from a book every single day. Doing so connects me to the knowledge and intelligence I need and keeps me on the track on ‘where I’m going?’, and inspired by the knowledge I have gained, I maintain the courage to keep myself moving forward. Also please not to be neglected that just by studying books, man doesn’t become wise.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Unusual Sunken Bridge

Enjoy watching the beauty of engineering !

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I lived her !

A Sweetheart for
who just owns me now..

In the begining it was all just a dream..
What I belived was an impossible scene,
I knew I was worthless..
Deprived of love..
or maybe this world is heatles..
Somebody please take me out of this shit,
I just couldn't make it no more..
To me, this world is a f*cking whore...
Then, one day my turned my life,
Out somewhere, came a girl in my life,
I can be she will be my future wife...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

World's best feeling :)

Sometimes, it happens that you want the world to be on one side and you wish to be in your own world.

This is the most wonderful time of the life when you take the life-changing decisions. You sometimes cherish the old memories; the sweetest of all & then, only one thought strucks into your mind while going through them!

You just stop thinking about your own world at that momemt, and at that very moment, you realise, what was the importance of it in your life. Sometime, you feel guilt about the same.

Maybe(A stronger one), you never wanted it to go it like that way!
Then , you wish only one thing, to go back and change the things like the way you want it now..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A *smiling* story !

I can make your dreams come true :)

Girl: Look its raining outside!
Boy: Come sit down, I have to tell you something.
Girl: Lets go outside!

(Boy and Girl go outside and find cover)
Girl: So what were you going to tell me?
Boy: Well... I don't know how to say this but... I love you.
Girl: Why didn't you just tell me?
Boy: I didn't know what you would say.
Girl: Well what do you want to do now?
Boy: Hmmm... tell me your biggest love fantasy?
Girl: To be kissed in the rain.
Boy: Tell me this first.... do you love me too?
Girl: Yes...
Boy: Looks like I can make your dream come true...

Friday, December 09, 2011

Underwater Ink

I was searching for Random Underwater photography, I found very interesting ones :

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Frankly telling ...

"let me be very frank with you..."
"Whatever I want to tell to the people, I tell on them on their face....."

~These are the lines you listen everyday !
But the bitter truth is, none of these so called 'frank people' accept the frankness of others, when directed towards them. When it is from them, it is the world class advice, and when it is for them, they called it as Arrogance.
When the facts are expressed FRANKLY, they are difficult to accept. So how can others accept our frankness, which is nothing, but just our opinion.
FRANKNESS is not at all a problem, its just the way our frankness is delivered, that is the problem.

Our Frankness, maybe (Strong MAYBE) have some logic behind it, but the way it is delivered to the people often hurts.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Swears to never love again.

With no time to smile,
But with all the time in the world
To shiver.
With no space to hide the fear,
But a treasure chest filled
With ideas.
With no light to guide the way,
But the glow of a raging fire
In my heart.
With hopes that still linger on,
I curse her name to the wind,
And swears to never love again.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Talk with myself !

The moon stared at him like a wise, old poet, on its last legs and looking for a drink. I don’t know where I’m going, he suggested to it thoughtfully, I just want to rest a while.

The grass underfoot had its arms open wide so he tumbled down and lay on his back. He felt like a soldier who had lost his bearings, yet the battlefield was bringing him back home.

How can I forget her? He asked the playful stars.
Why do you have to? They replied with a wink.

He didn’t know what this meant and fell into a rabbit hole of melancholy.

He recalled a movie he had seen as a child, in which a young girl is told she is adopted and spends a considerable amount of time searching for her ‘real’ parents. She has no luck.

Friday, December 02, 2011

The doll

She is a doll,
well, so to speak.
She has the art in her,
She is pretty in her cheeks...
when she smiles.
A mysterious entity, that now I see...
In an alien image,
that Genie wished me 3...

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Every Dog has its Day !

Why do people insult the one who make them smile?
The reason maybe described in simple words:
Maybe, people want to prove that the one who make them smile is one who is below their standards, or the other issue could be that they feel that the reason behind their smile is nothing of their concern, so let’s be the leader!
What the f*ck is that?
Have they ever thought that how much confortable one feels when he/she is the reason behind your smile? Of course not, because everyone here feels the “other one” is a Joker and they are the ring masters.
Ok, could you please take yourself to the time when you were surrounded by few guys or your friends when they all were teasing and laughing at you? How did you felt at that very moment?
Now, come back to the present, when you laughed at the one who was reason for your smile & compare the times.