Sunday, December 25, 2011

Purpose of reading !

Once long back, I said to someone, "I like reading books", I was told, “Read people not the books. What you find in books is not what exists in the world!!”

That had been confusion for me for a long time. But with time, I realized the one who read people will know how to handle others and get the things done by hook or crook.

A book reader will surely know how to stick to their principles and apply the same when situation comes. People who say that certain things mentioned in books doesn’t exist in the world, the one who reads books know that it is not that they really don’t exist, it is just lack of knowledge that is making them extinct. This makes the difference between a learned fool and an educated man.

Always do things in your own way, others have to love you for it. With the elements of KNOWLEDGE and COURAGE, all things are possible. So I assure, that I read something good from a book every single day. Doing so connects me to the knowledge and intelligence I need and keeps me on the track on ‘where I’m going?’, and inspired by the knowledge I have gained, I maintain the courage to keep myself moving forward. Also please not to be neglected that just by studying books, man doesn’t become wise.
It is that when he gets associated with the knowledge and principles mentioned; he implies them too. This implementation allows him to use the knowledge acquired in a wise way.
For example, there was a man, who read psychology books, many books on human behavior, just to handle the people, and make the people work according to his wish. He wants to handle the people so that his wishes are satisfied. He wanted to know the sensitive side of people, wherein he gets to use them. His wishes will be satisfied. But then arises one more wish. One after the other. Will he have peace in his life? Will he feel content with his life? Is this the purpose of knowledge?

There was another man, who read the book on same concepts, psychology and human behavior. His purpose is to understand the sensitive side of people and bring them up from the pain they are in. He wanted to understand the sensitive of people, to understand what makes them be in the pain, so that he can work on it to make them come out of it. This man aims at peace and happiness of entire world. With this, he can lead a peaceful life as well as allow others to lead a peaceful life.

The same is the case with Nuclear Energy, Scientific research, Economics, civics, Political administration. Are we really serving the purpose of learning? Are we aiming at peace and prosperity of universe?

Aren't we becoming machines? Just that we need output of job, money and status we are trying to input the studies and qualification. Knowledge is not wisdom. Knowledge used in a way, which helps the world be at peace and happiness is wisdom.

Robots- definitely amazing. As a child I always wished I have one. If men become like robots and robots more intelligent and capable than men, is it not civilization in reverse?

Read with a purpose to cultivate good in and around you. Not to conquer others by knowing the loops!!