Thursday, December 01, 2011

Every Dog has its Day !

Why do people insult the one who make them smile?
The reason maybe described in simple words:
Maybe, people want to prove that the one who make them smile is one who is below their standards, or the other issue could be that they feel that the reason behind their smile is nothing of their concern, so let’s be the leader!
What the f*ck is that?
Have they ever thought that how much confortable one feels when he/she is the reason behind your smile? Of course not, because everyone here feels the “other one” is a Joker and they are the ring masters.
Ok, could you please take yourself to the time when you were surrounded by few guys or your friends when they all were teasing and laughing at you? How did you felt at that very moment?
Now, come back to the present, when you laughed at the one who was reason for your smile & compare the times.

Feel the time and feel what he/ she must have felt when you laughed at the one who made you smile. I know, you must be feeling “yaar, doston mein to chlta hai..”
To add up, I would like to mention that this may work in friends, but for the one whom you never talked with/ never asked for / never ever passed a ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ or even a smile, how can you take over him and laugh at the same person who made you smile ?

Think about it, you will surely feel the same!
Though I know, you will still laugh when you were made feel Good and happy!

P.S. - This one was for one of my friends, who did something to make laugh everyone, but everyone made fun of him . I agree, it was the reason to laugh, but to laugh at him, I felt was not correct.
Anyways, I just wrote what I had always wished to see in my own world, how does it matter to anyone?
To sum up, Please, please, please never laugh at the one on the one who made you smile, because you know, EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY!!!