Sunday, July 08, 2012

Coming back alone.

Walking alone is not difficult...
But after having "walked a mile with someone"
"Coming back alone" is more difficult.
It is the feeling of being rejected.
It is the feeling of being betrayed.

You imagine another world with them, where you see yourself with them, always. Atleast my heart feels, 'There had been a problem with me only.'
We ourselves become the real culprit ultimately by cursing ourseves. The truth is, when you live with the same words, ' Sorry.. We can't stay together..We have to stop it..' surrender you all the time, NOBODY, yes, NOBODY on this planet is affected. Colours shine, Sun rises & the Stars twinkle. One thing happens for sure- You forget to laugh and live the life.

I hate being nice and true and still being betrayed. I hate being simple and trust worthy and still listeing to your lies as truths. I hate being caring and still expecting from you, who had absolutley nothing inside their heart to actualy care about me.
I sacrifised myself for her, and she left telling her helplessness.
My life is swinging in a storm.
Clouds are thundering, Winds are blowing fast.
In my own eyes, I am seraching for an edge.
I miss hearing her voice, I miss seeing her smiling, but most of all I miss her!
I know, she will remember me , when someone will leave her.
Wish, There was someone to listen depressed stories of my sad heart.
~Now, I will have to live like this, I smile, when I think like that.