Monday, March 05, 2012

Do you want to solve the problem ?

There is a time,many times a day, when you do something , FOR YOURSELF.
Are we motivated by ourself or some external power controls it ?
Today, I, in so formal way got to know the real cause.

At times, we feel low, & we want to stand by our side that particular time- Maybe a friend, Close friend or someone special. Why ? Aren't we self capable now ?
Keeping the viewpoint; it always depends on the situations,and so do on us, somehow, the situations creator.

Motivation, the one of its own kind, is considered to be the combination of two- External and Internal Motivation.

Lets here talk about the External Motivation first.
So many people gather around you to help and motivate you; each with a different way. And most of the times what happen, we feel frustated because of the too many advises. We tend to be alone as much as possible to find some solution, to think of our own, or maybe, to bring ourselves to a ground state. And probably the later part is tough. At the end, we stand without any solution. We later on try to ignore the problem and this is which creates a difference between you and a person who is enjoying the top rank in the success table.

How do they differ from you then ?
They were actually the best listener of their times. They listened to each and every single advise they recieved.
This ultimately ignited an "INTERNAL MOTIVATION" amongest them and then, they planned everything of thier own.
They were ready to solve any problem and to achive what they once called 'dreams' just because of one single desire - to keenly work that came somewhere deep inside from the heart.

Internal Motivation is always inside us ,just be sure there is someone who can ignite it.
If it is you, Yourself for giving the spark, I salute you !!!